BIA Application is a platform for BIA Members. Rich in features and functionalities, this app keeps members* Engaged* Informed* Involved* Connected &* EntertainedThe app is more effective and best alternative to chat apps which most associations and Communities use to communicate with their membersOur application provides clients with tailor-made platform for creating- Member Directory- Gallery- Events/Programs- Committee/Groups- Opinion Polls- Blogs/News- Newsfeed- Alert/Notificationand other customizable features. Member Directory feature enables an Association to organize its members hierarchy and department wise. Members can create events or schedule meetings via the application. Alerts will be received about upcoming events or other relevant activities to all the members who have logged into the app. The Association and its members can upload images via the Gallery function.An association can create Digital Committees by selecting relevant members to plan and conduct relevant business activities. Every time a Committee is created automatically chat group is created where the members can carry forward their discussions.Home screen of the application will have all the newsfeed/updates done by the members of the Association.It can be consider as Online Solution for BIA Members for Communication